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    Into Pitch Black (2000)

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    Into Pitch Black
    A policeman is assigned by his superior officer to find and apprehend escaped convict Richard B. Riddick, Riddick was being transported on-board space transport vessel \"Hunter-Gratzner\" carrying on-board 40 people, where a bounty hunter named Johns who captured him was escorting him to the penal colony \"Slam City\" and claim the bounty on his head. But the \"Hunter-Gratzner\" was struck by a meteor shower and crashed on a desert planet, where Riddick and 10 survivors were marooned. The policeman decides to hire a female bounty hunter to track down and capture Riddick alive. The female bounty hunter begins to suspect there is something more behind the \"Hunter-Gratzner\" incident and learns one of the survivors, Paris P. Ogilive was carrying on-board \"Hunter-Gratzner\" a priceless collection of artifacts and learns the back-stories of the 10 survivors as well as Riddick.

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    • M. David Melvin
    • Action
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    IMDb Wertung:
    6.5 / 10 :: 0 Votes
    Genre: Action Science Fiction
    Executive Producer: Tom Engelman
    Schauspieler: Vin Diesel  Lisa Saum  Brian Gant  Robert Ahola  Andrew Bernard  Jorge Berrio  Kevin Burnett  Markus Hamilton  7 weitere
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